Get a Grip!
Grip equipment is made specifically for professional video, cinema, and photography industries. It is designed to hold a light, a flag, a scrim, a foam-core board a fill card (or reflector), or even a camera securely in a specific place and at a specific attitude for the duration of the imaging creating process yet still be able to be easily readapted or broken down to be stored or reused at another time, in another way!
But, if a cinematographer, videographer, or a professional photographer doesn’t live in a major population center or a major center of professional imaging, where he or she can see this type of equipment in action, chances are good the aspiring professional might not even know this equipment exists! Just knowing about some of the specialized grip equipment available to the professional image making industry, leads the inexperienced image maker to have ideas about how to complete specific tasks on an image making set, and exposes him or her to solutions that he or she didn’t even were available.
While many pieces of professional grip equipment will seem to be very specialized in their application, many of the pieces are the kind of things that a young image-maker will look at and just know they must have! This video shows how to use and combine some of the very specialized, and very useful grip equipment displayed on the Set Shop’s showroom floor.